Information for educators of early years foundation stage (EYFS) children
resources for self-led EYFS groups
We have developed a suite of activities for younger visitors linked to the early years foundation stage framework. These creative sessions give adult leaders the confidence to guide children through a fun, interactive exploration of our spaces.
Naughty Bus
A self-led session suitable for reception classes and early years groups (up to 35 children).
Session length: Approximately 40 minutes.
Use our special box of magical props to explore the Naughty Bus story by Jan Oke. Build a toy city, sing your favourite songs, sit on a double decker bus from 1935 and much more in our interactive storytelling session exploring the themes of transport, toys and play.
EYFS links:
A Unique Child:
Resilient. Confident. Capable. Self assured.
Positive Relationships:
With the museum. With each other. Team work. Playing together. Social skills. Cooperation. Work harmoniously alongside and with each other. Listen to each other.
Enabling environments:
Museum activity catering for their needs. Comfort. New cultural experience. Confidence. Positive self image. I belong. Talk and communicate in a wide range of situations.
Learning and Developing:
Open-ended activities. Interconnected. Small world. Learning through play. Listening. Problem solving. Gross and fine motor skills. Confidence in learning and enthusiasm. Fun. Improve concentration. Expand vocabulary.
Teddy Bears’ Picnic
A self-led session suitable for reception classes and early years groups (up to 35 children).
Session length: Approximately 40 minutes.
Solve the riddle to find your picnic basket and meet your teddy bear guests! Set up and take part in your play picnic, play specially chosen games, sing songs and much more at this fun role play session for young children.
EYFS links:
A Unique Child:
Resilient. Confident. Capable. Self assured.
Positive relationships:
With the museum. With each other. Team work. Playing together. Teddy bear friendships. Social skills. Cooperation. Work harmoniously alongside and with each other. Listen to each other.
Enabling environments:
Museum activity catering for their needs. Comfort. New cultural experience. Confidence positive self image. I belong. Environment to talk and communicate in a wide range of situations.
Learning and Developing:
Open-ended activities. Interconnected. Small world. Learning through play. Listening. Problem solving. Gross and fine motor skills. Confidence in learning and enthusiasm. Fun. Improve concentration. Expand vocabulary.
Tiny Top Ten Tour
A self-led session suitable for reception classes and early years groups (up to 35 children).
Session length: Approximately 40 minutes.
Bringing young children to Milestones? Pick up our highlights tour for a route around the top ten activities for early years, including a sing-a-long on a bus and a chance to build a bridge from giant foam bricks and play hopscotch.
EYFS links:
A Unique Child:
Resilient. Confident. Capable. Self assured.
Positive Relationships:
With the museum. With each other. Team work. Playing together. Social skills. Cooperation. Work harmoniously alongside and with each other. Listen to each other.
Enabling environments:
Museum activity catering for their needs. Comfort. New cultural experience. Confidence positive self image. I belong. Environment to talk and communicate in a wide range of situations.
Learning and Developing:
Open-ended activities. Interconnected. Small world. Learning through play. Listening. Problem solving. Gross and fine motor skills. Confidence in learning and enthusiasm. Fun. Improve concentration. Expand vocabulary.