These are some suggestions about activities you might like to complete with your class once you are back at school following a visit to Milestones.
The suggestions are split up into categories. There are some general suggestions for follow up activities which would be applicable regardless of the age of the children who have visited or the topic they have been studying.
There are then particular activity suggestions for use if your school have visited on a Victorian theme or a World War Two theme, or if you have followed the Toys and Games or Homes and Discovery programmes.
General ideas
While you are visiting Milestones you could take photos. Once you are back at school the children could use Word or Publisher and combine the photos taken with some text about their visit to produce a report about their day at Milestones.
Design a leaflet to advertise Milestones, using our existing leaflet for inspiration. The children would need to consider what information would need to be included on the leaflet as well as considering the style of leaflet writing. Basic facts about Milestones e.g. prices, address etc., can be found on this website.
The children could write a persuasive letter to their Headteacher/their parents/a friend convincing them to visit Milestones!
The children could write to the museum and tell us what they enjoyed most about their visit and tell us if there is anything we could do to improve future visits.
Design a postcard for Milestones. Which image(s) would they put on the front and why? Our logo, one of the costumed characters, one of the mannequins, one of our vehicles, a shop front, a street scene...? They can choose! The children then need to decide who they will send the postcard to and what they will tell that person about their visit to Milestones.